Subscription Model

Subscriptions are how you can set up webhook notifications for your App.

Subscription Object

Example Subscription Object

  "type": "notification_subscription",
  "id": "nsub_6ab4c480-fd8b-11e3-958f-c779cae3e1b3",
  "created_at": 1392731331,
  "updated_at": 1392731331,
  "service_type": "web",
  "topics": ["company", "conversation.user.created"],
  "url": "",
  "active": true,
  "hub_secret": "7fa38fa4e7120189f631a6769dd4876b"

A subscription object contains the following fields -

typestringvalue is 'notification_subscription'
idstringThe Intercom defined id representing the subscription.
created_attimestampThe time the subscription was added to Intercom
updated_attimestampThe last time the subscription was updated
urlstringThe url the notification should be sent to. Required depending on the service type.
service_typestringThe type of the service being called. Default is web for a plain webhook, which is the only accepted value currently.
topicsarrayAn array of topics to subscribe to.
activebooleanIndicates whether the subscription is currently active.
hub_secretstringOptional key used to sign notifications.
metadataobjectRequired for event.created webhooks.