Notification Model

Notification Object

Example Notification Object

  "type": "notification_event",
  "topic": "company.created",
  "id": "notif_ccd8a4d0-f965-11e3-a367-c779cae3e1b3",
  "created_at": 1392731331,
  "delivery_attempts": 1,
  "first_sent_at": 1392731392,
  "data": {
    "item": {
      "type": "company",
      "id": "531ee472cce572a6ec000006",
      "name": "Blue Sun",
      "company_id": "6",
      "remote_created_at": 1394531169,
      "created_at": 1394533506,
      "updated_at": 1396874658,
      "custom_attributes": {

A notification object contains the following fields -

typestringvalue is 'notification_event'
idstringThe Intercom defined id representing the notification.
selfstringThe Intercom defined URL for the subscription. Optional
created_attimestampThe timestamp the notification was created.
topicstringCorresponds to a topic, eg 'company.created', 'conversation.assigned'
delivery_attemptsnumberThe number of times this notification has been attempted.
first_sent_attimestampThe first time the delivery was attempted.
dataobjectA container for the data associated with the notification.
data.itemobjectThe data associated with the notification, which will have a 'type' field.

The contents of data.item object will be defined according to its type field. In the example to the right, the type value of company indicates a company object.