Assigning a Conversation to Unassigned

You can assign a conversation to be unassigned when you reply to a conversation. You should do this if you do not want the conversation to remain in your own inbox. This will allow other people pick up the conversation when the user replies to it

Assign to Unassigned

#Assign conversation to unassigned
curl \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \
-H 'Accept:application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d'
  "body": "Reassigning to no-one!",
  "type": "admin",
  "admin_id": "1234",
  "assignee_id": "0",
  "message_type": "assignment"
#Assign converstion to unassigned  
  :id => '10289052666', 
  :type => 'admin',
  :admin_id => "1234",
  :assignee_id => 0,
  :message_type => 'assignment', 
  :body => 'reassigning to no-one!'
$intercom->conversations->replyToConversation("10957850396", [
    "intercom_user_id" => "5977303470ab497b1babb9ef",
    "body" => "Reassigning to no-one, i.e. unassigned", // appears as note
    "type" => "admin",
    "admin_id" => "814860",
    "message_type" => "assignment",
    "assignee_id" => "0" 