List by Tag, Segment, Company

Example Tag Request

$ curl \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \
-H 'Accept:application/json'
intercom.users.find_all({ :tag_id => '30126' })
$user = $intercom->users->getUsers(["tag_id" => '730128']);
echo "\n";
Map<String, String> params = Maps.newHashMap();
params.put("tag_id", "30126");
UserCollection users = User.list(params);
while (users.hasNext()) {
Example Segment Request

$ curl \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \
-H 'Accept:application/json'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "type": "user.list",
  "total_count": 105,
  "users": [
      "type": "user",
      "id": "530370b477ad7120001d",
  "pages": {
    "next": "",
    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 50,
    "total_pages": 3

# NB: Full User objects are returned
intercom.users.find_all({ :segment_id => '30126' })
$user = $intercom->users->getUsers(["segment_id" => '58135df83917e42135b2ea29']);
echo "\n";
Map<String, String> params = Maps.newHashMap();
params.put("segment_id", "30126");
UserCollection users = User.list(params);
while (users.hasNext()) {

You can fetch segmented users/leads by querying the users resource with a segment_id parameter, indicating the id of the segment to query with.

To fetch tagged users/leads, you can use a tag_id parameter to indicate the id of the tag. For information on tagging users see the section 'Tag or Untag Users'.

Note that you can not combine tag and segment parameters in the same request.

To list users belonging to a company, you can use the companies API. See the section "List Company Users"for details.

Request Parameters

tag_idnoThe id of the tag to filter by.
segment_idnoThe id of the segment to filter by.


A pageable list of users and leads.

Like a plain company list, the result contains a pages object that indicates if more users exist via the next field.