Adding to group conversations as admin

Adding a customer to a group conversation



Note that customers refers to both users and leads.

$ curl '' \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \
-H 'Accept:application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d'
  "admin_id": "781236",
    "intercom_user_id": "58c1c78946a0aa9ef45b098a"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Customers can be added to a conversation via a POST method to{convo_id}/customers/, which accepts a JSON object describing the customer.


admin_idYesYou must provide the ID of a valid admin to add a customer to the conversation
customerYesJSON object describing the customer that you want to add to the conversation.

Customer object

intercom_user_idone ofThe Intercom defined id representing the user (in the URL)
user_idone ofThe user id you have defined for the user (or auto defined in the case of leads)
emailone ofThe email you have defined for the user


Note about customers without an email

If you try to add a customer via intercom_user_id or user_id which does not have an email you will receive an error. Alternatively, If you add a customer via the email parameter and there is no user/lead in the system for that customer then we will create a new lead.