Conversation Part Model

Example Conversation Part Object

    "type": "conversation_part",
    "id": "4412",
    "part_type": "comment",
    "body": "<p>Hi Jane, it's all great thanks!</p>",
    "created_at": 1400857494,
    "updated_at": 1400857494,
    "notified_at": 1400857587,
    "assigned_to": null,
    "author": {
      "type": "user",
      "id": "536e564f316c83104c000020"
    "attachments": []

A conversation part describes an element of the conversation.

A conversation part has a html encoded body, an author, and may have an attachments list. Conversation parts have created, updated and notified timestamps. Each conversation part also has a part type - these types are described below.

Conversation Part Object

typestringThe value is 'conversation_part'
idstringThe id representing the conversation part
part_typestringThe type of conversation part
bodystringThe html encoded body of the comment
created_attimestampThe time the conversation part was created
updated_attimestampThe last time the conversation part was updated
notified_attimestampThe time the user was notified with the conversation part
assigned_tostringThe id of the admin that the conversation is assigned to (not null only when part_type: assignment).
authorUser or AdminThe user or admin that created the part
attachmentsListA list of attachments for the part

Conversation Part Types

commentStandard reply from customer or admin to a conversation
noteA note created by an Admin on the conversation. A note will only be viewable as an Admin.
assignmentAn assignment of the conversation to an Admin, or Nobody.
openIdentifies a conversation has been opened
closeIdentifies a conversation has been closed
away_mode_assignmentConversation has been assigned due to the admin being in away mode
participant_addedA participant has been added to a group conversation
participant_removedA participant has been removed from a group conversation
conversation_rating_changedA conversation rating has been changed, not this can only occur before the rating has been submitted. Once it has been submitted it cannot be changed
conversation_rating_remark_addedA conversation remark has been added to the converation
snoozedA conversation has been snoozed
unsnoozedA conversation has been unsnoozed
timer_unsnoozeUnsnooze a conversation after a set time.