Admin Model

Example Object

    "type": "admin",
    "id": "493881",
    "name": "Hoban Washburne",
    "email": "",
    "job_title": "Philosopher",
    "away_mode_enabled": false,
    "away_mode_reassign": false,
    "team_ids": [

Admin Object

An admin has a name, email and id field.

typestringvalue is 'admin' or 'team'
idstringThe id of the admin or team
namestringThe name of the admin or team
emailstringThe email address of the admin. This attribute is null for teams.
job_titlestringThe job title of the admin
away_mode_enabledbooleanIdentifies if this admin is currently set in away mode to automatically reassign new conversations to your app’s default inbox
away_mode_reassignbooleanWhen in away mode you can still reply to conversations. If this is set to true then any replies will automatically go into your app's default inbox
team_idslistThis is a list of teams id's that you are part of. Only set if the type is 'admin'
admin_idslistThis is the list of admins on the team. Only set if the type is 'team'
avatarurlImage for the associated team or teammate